Welcome to Butterfly Lane East Dulwich Nursery

Butterfly Lane East Dulwich Nursery is a brand-new nursery, in the heart of East Dulwich. We have enthusiastic and highly motivated staff who believe in providing outstanding care and education for your children. Butterfly Lane East Dulwich Nursery aims to provide the local community with accessible high-quality childcare.  

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and promote all 7 areas of the EYFS:

Prime Areas

Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communication & Language

Specific Areas

Understanding of the World
Expressive Art & Design
These prime areas are those most essential for your child’s healthy development and future learning. 
Our room is designed to give the children a holistic experience. Resources are set out, so they can be reached by the children and are chosen to stimulate all their senses and their learning and development of the prime areas of the EYFS. 


We appreciate being trusted with your most treasured possessions. This is why we pride ourselves on having a nurturing environment where our children feel safe and able to learn. 

We have a large open plan space and baby area and our Room Leaders and key workers oversee the progress and welfare of every child. 
View our space


Meals are prepared on site daily by our chef using fresh ingredients. 

All children’s dietary requirements are recorded and displayed for everyone to see. An alternative meal is prepared for any children with allergies or dietary requirements. 

We do not serve any meals with pork or nuts in.
View our menus


We use an online learning journal to record our children’s progress throughout the EYFS. When you start we will add you to the system. 

You will receive an email from a company called 'Learning Journals', you will need to click the link and create yourself a password and 4 pin code. 

Once this is done you will be able to access your child’s learning profile and see any observations, photos or stories our team have uploaded of your child. 

You are able to upload photos and observations from home, so we can share in your experiences with your child too. As well as leave comments for your keyworker under observations made. 
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